Day care for toddlers in the Wrexham area

Once your child is walking, they will 'toddle' downstairs and join the Small Toddler Room. This is a very big, bright room with plenty of space for your child to use their new found walking skills!

The children in this area have a well planned programme of activity that ensures they have plenty of opportunities to develop both physically and mentally, dance activities, singing songs, story time, outdoor play, sensory play....the fun is endless!! This room has French doors that open directly onto their own dedicated outdoor play area. This enables the staff to do all of the activities they do inside, outside too.

As your child develops and is more stable on their feet and their speech and language skills widen, they will move onto the Big Toddler Room. This room is where the children go to prepare for Pre-School. They will have different toys to play with and a different programme of activity which caters for their stage of development.

These children have a separate dining room which they also use for messy play, painting, arts and crafts and baking activities.

All of these children have daily access to the Sensory Room and Music Rooms located on the first floor of the building. Staff take small groups of children to enjoy these areas at various times of the day.

Feel free to come and visit or telephone 01978 367786 for more information.

Already decided and ready to go ahead? To apply for a place please click here now.