Information About Cherry Hill Day Nursery
Cherry Hill Children’s Day Nursery is a lovely grade 2 listed building, situated in large grounds and located in Borras, Wrexham. We offer day care of the very highest quality and feel confident that our facilities + services can fulfil your particular family requirements. The premises are bright and spacious and offer different areas which cater for children’s ages and differing levels of development. We have many outdoor play + learning areas which include – 2 grassed areas, a tarmac area + an undercover learning area.
Our aim is to create a secure and caring environment for children. We plan to provide a home from home environment that incorporates both learning facilities and quieter, retreat opportunities. We aim to help your child to feel safe and happy in their surroundings so that he/she can grow, develop and achieve their potential.
We will help your child develop physically, mentally and emotionally through a carefully planned programme of activity and play. We will help your child develop their independence by having the opportunity to choose the activities they want to be involved in, enabling them to manage their own time and not rush them to complete their tasks/meals, designing and participating in their own arts and crafts work and through their interaction with other children, along with the promotion of health + wellbeing.

Cherry Hill works with a policy of full inclusion wherever possible and will meet with all parents to discuss their child’s individual needs and assess how the Nursery can meet these prior to enrolment.
Cherry Hill Children’s Day Nursery is registered with Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW) to provide care for upto 61 children per day. We will provide full day care for children aged 3 months to 5 years. The Nursery will be open from 8am until 6pm Monday to Friday (we have a 7.30am extension, there is an additional charge for this service) we are closed at weekends and for UK public holidays. Children can attend on a full or part-time basis with morning and afternoon sessions available.
Your child will be cared for using English as the main language. Welsh will be incorporated into the day whenever possible this will include activities + greetings.
Our music room is an additional area for the children to enjoy in the participation of musical activities.
Our sensory room is a lovely calming environment where the children are able to listen to calming sounds, watch the different lights, participate in activities or just relax.
Please contact the Nursery Manager (Lisa Holland) on 01978 367786 or cherryhillnursery@yahoo.com Or Proprietor (Mahendran Bakeirathan) on the same details as above.
Or write to:
Cherry Hill Children’s Day Nursery,
91 Borras Park Road,
LL12 7TF
Nursery registration:
We are registered with CIW whom inspect our service each year, our registration is based upon 61 children attending each day. The Preschool classroom has planning permission granted for its use within our grounds which is reviewed every 3 years – next review date is April 2024.
Our Admissions Policy:
All nursery places are allocated on a first come first served basis and in accordance with our Equal Opportunity Policy. If there is a waiting list for places in the Nursery, applications will be dated upon receipt. On conformation of place, parents are required to pay a £35.00 deposit. This is non-returnable in the event of a place being cancelled by the parent.
Prior to a child’s attendance at the Nursery, parents are required to complete a registration form – once completed this is stored in a locked filing cabinet to conform with our confidentiality procedure + to adhere to the Data Protection Act 1998 + GDPR.
About Our Staff:
Our caring staff are well qualified and trained to a very high standard. We believe that a high adult to child ratio is essential in providing good quality care in the Nursery. We will provide the following:
0-2 years- at least one member of staff to every three children
2-3 years- at least one member of staff to every four children
3-5 years- at least one member of staff to every eight children
Cherry Hill Children’s Day Nursery will have the required number of qualified staff. All of our staff are committed to continuing their professional development and will undertake in house training as well as professional qualifications; all staff have completed fist aid training + Safe guarding training.
Our Key-worker System:
We believe that it is important that your child forms a special bond and attachment to one particular person; this is why we will operate a Key-Worker system. All staff will be responsible for a small number of children in whom they will take a particular interest. Your child will spend large parts of the day working and playing in smaller groups with their Key-worker.
Our Settling-in Policy:
We aim to make the transition into the Nursery as smooth as possible for both you and your child. Time will be spent getting to know your child when the Key-worker and yourselves fill in the child’s Enrolment and Registration forms. You and your child will have the opportunity to have a pre-enrolment visit to the Nursery.
The Nursery will offer 4 hour free as ‘settling-in’ sessions; these can be 4 x 1hr sessions, 2 x 2hr sessions or 1 x 4hr session – we will work with you to decide which will best suit you + your family, although we appreciate that every child will require a different period of time to settle. Settling in times are important for parents as well as children. We want both you and your child to feel happy, confident and secure.
The settling in sessions will allow your child to build up relationships with adults and other children and become familiar with the surroundings and daily routine. These will we be arranged at a convenient time in the weeks leading up to your child’s start date.
Registration and Collection Procedures:
When your child arrives at the Nursery a member of the Nursery staff will record their arrival. Staff will also record the time that your child is collected and you will be informed about your child’s day through verbal communication + also through your child’s day book.
Please ensure that your child is collected on time, as the Nursery is not covered by insurance or registration conditions to have children on the premises after opening hours. A late collection fee of £10.00 per quarter of an hour is applicable for any late collection. No child can enter the Nursery before 8am unless 7.30am has been booked in advance.
If a person other than the child’s parent will be collecting them, parents must inform the Nursery staff of this. Unless the staff are informed, they will not allow the child to leave.
Other Policies and Documents:
We have a comprehensive list of policies, which cover all aspects of Nursery life. These include - Special needs, Complaints, Equal opportunities, Behaviour management, + GDPR
A copy of these policies are available from the Nursery or to download on our website: www.cherryhilldaynursery.co.uk
Complaints Policy:
It is of paramount importance that the nursery should run smoothly and that all staff work together for your child’s best interests. In the event of a complaint from a parent or carer, every effort will be made to respond quickly and effectively.
In the unfortunate instance that you or a carer may have a complaint, this should be referred to the Nursery Manager who will endeavour to deal with the complaint promptly and effectively. If you are not happy with the outcome or would like to talk to the registered person, the Nursery Manager (Lisa Holland) will arrange this for you, please ask to speak to Mahendran Bakeirathan (Proprietor).
Alternatively, if a complaint cannot be resolved within the nursery it should be referred to the Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW)
CIW North Wales Region,
Government Buildings,
Sarn Mynach,
Llandudno Junction
LL31 9RZ
Telephone: 0300 7900 126
Fax: 0300 062 5030
Email: CIW.North@wales.gsi.gov.uk
2020 we saw the start of the global pandemic – we are very proud to have stayed open throughout the whole period + was able to provide much needed childcare to key workers throughout the area, although we had to stop allowing access to the nursery to anyone other than staff + children – our daily routines stayed the same to provide continuity of care to the children who attended.
In the event of an emergency:
In the event of an emergency during our opening hours, The children will all be evacuated from the nursery in a safe + orderly way, once everyone is safely outside parents will be contacted – Please make sure your contact details are always upto date.
Promoting Health + wellbeing:
Promoting health + well being is of fundamental importance to everyone at Cherry Hill Children’s Day Nursery. Cherry Hill is a non smoking environment.
Good health makes an active and enjoyable lifestyle possible for everyone.
During the course of each year at Cherry Hill we will plan events to promote health + wellbeing for the whole family, these will include family walks to local country parks + also healthy eating weeks + family picnics, we will plan a lot of our events for a weekend so that all the family can get involved, look out on our Facebook page + newsletters for our next planned event.
To aid us in our continuing development of health + wellbeing we have enrolled as part of the Healthy + Sustainable Pre school Scheme.
At Cherry Hill Children’s Day Nursery we believe in giving the children lots of different experiences to enable them to care for animals, this also helps the children develop a sense of caring + responsibility. All of the pets we have were donated to us by people whom were no longer able to care for them – so there is a story behind each of them.
In our downstairs dining room we currently have a fish tank which houses our gold fish, the children enjoy to watch the fish whilst they eat their meals + also take it in turns to help with feeding + cleaning the fish tank.
In our outdoor area we have a large enclosed space for our 2 chickens – they are called Hilly + Bluebell, Bluebell is a blue hen + Hilly is a white Poland – they are very friendly and love to play outside with the children, the children also help to collect the eggs + help to feed + clean out Hilly + Bluebell’s cage, The children are able to pet the chickens and have lots of discussions with the staff about caring for animals.
Early Education:
As from April 2015 we have been offering Early Education provision, this is government funded and each child over the age of 3 will receive 10 hours of childcare free of charge each week (School term times only)
Your child will receive this funding on the 1st term after their 3rd birthday, please ask at the nursery for more details regarding session times.
Flying Start:
As from April 2017 we have been offering Flying Start provision, this again is government funded for 2 year olds, you can access this provision by being referred by your local health visitor (not every child is able to use this provision)
30 Hour Childcare Offer:
As from January 2019 we have been offering the 30 hour childcare offer, please check the link below to check if you are eligible:
Our Daily Routines and Activities We Provide:
Each room has a supervisor who will plan and co-ordinate activities that your child will do throughout the day and will ensure that all activities are suitable for your child’s age and development and will help them achieve their learning goals.
All rooms are furnished in neutral colours with all display boards backed in neutral hessian – this allows the children’s displayed work to stand out.
The Baby Unit (upstairs):
The baby unit will provide your child with a calm, relaxing, yet stimulating environment. The staff in this room will sing songs to your child, play games such as peek-a-boo and use repetitive language to help babies to learn communication skills and make sense of the world. The ‘Birth to Three’ framework will provide structure for the babies’ activities and routines.
This unit has the benefit of extra rooms attached. This means very small babies and those who are crawling or taking first steps can be stimulated in different areas and environments that will challenge them according to their level of development.
The Toddler Unit (Downstairs):
The Toddler unit comprises of 2 rooms which are both bright and friendly areas that will provide a more structured routine for children aged approx 18 months to 3 years. Your child will be encouraged to share toys, take turns and tidy up after themselves. The ‘Birth to Three Framework’ will be followed and a wide variety of activities will be provided to help children to develop.
The Pre School Unit (Located in the grounds of the nursery):
The Pre School Unit is a purpose built portacabin which takes children from the age of 3-4 years. Activities in this area are planned to take into account your child’s individual needs. The Room Supervisor and Key-worker plan this. The children in this area are encouraged to be more independent, polite and socially interactive. Your child will be given choices and encouraged to play by themselves as well as with others.
*Children will be moved between rooms via consultation with parents and Nursery staff, according to their level of development. Age ranges act as a guide and are not a definitive reason for moving a child to another unit.
Example of Typical Routine for Toddlers:
8:00-9:00 am Welcome for all children. Breakfast. 8.15am – 8.45am – All children will sit by a table to eat, the breakfast consist of cereal, fresh fruit + a drink of milk. (please see the menu below for variety of cereals) |
9:00-10.00 am Opportunity for free-play, the children can choose which activities to take part in from a range of table-top toys/games to the activities around the room such as reading books, playing in the home corner, dressing-up etc. |
10.00-11:15 am Children are spilt into activity groups (usually with Key Worker) and follow the weekly activities programme. This will be the time that messy play/craft activities usually occur. Outdoor activities are encouraged at this time. |
11:15-11.30am Children will engage in a group time activity before lunch, this may be stories, nursery rhymes or music + movement. |
11.30-12:00 pm Lunchtime. All children will sit at tables to be served their healthy lunch. Children will not be rushed to eat their food. Staff will sit with children and encourage good manners and social interaction. Children who are particularly slow or quick eaters will be accommodated and staff will ensure all children’s needs are met. (please see the menu below for variety of lunches + puddings) |
12:00-1:00 pm Quiet time. At this time some children may go to sleep, whilst others will be able to sit in a quiet area where a relaxing atmosphere will be created for the children to rest whilst they have stories read to them or look at the books themselves. |
1:00-2.30 pm Children will return to their groups from the morning activities (sometimes these will be changed and children will work with a different member of staff) and take part in activities with their member of staff (construction, drawing and cutting out shapes, sand and water activities etc.). Children will have the opportunity to again explore outside. |
2.30-3:00 pm Snack time. All children will sit by a table to eat, the snack consist of a savoury snack, fresh fruit, salad + a drink of milk or water (please see the menu below for variety of snacks) |
3.00-5:30 pm Some children will be collected during this time. Children will have the opportunity to choose an activity (e.g.: Outdoor physical play, sensory room, music room etc) in order to await their parents arrival. |
5:30-6:00 pm Story time. Final tidy of Nursery. Collection of children at end of day. |
*Please note:
This is an example of a timetable and times and activities are changeable. Toys and games are changed for each free-play session. All times are approximate and flexible to allow children to get full enjoyment out of each activity.
0-2 year | 2-3 years | Over 3 years | |
Full Week | £270.00 | £270.00 | £255.00 |
Full Day | £57.00 | £57.00 | £54.00 |
Morning Session (8am – 1pm) | £43.00 | £43.00 | £41.00 |
Afternoon Session (1pm – 6pm) | £41.00 | £41.00 | £39.00 |
7.30am extension (this must be booked in advance) | £7.00 | £7.00 | £7.00 |
*Cherry Hill Children’s Day Nursery reserves the right to revise fees at anytime by
giving user’s one month’s written notice. It is hoped that this will be unnecessary and
we endeavour to keep all fee increases to a minimum.
This is an example of a weekly menu
Please note: Our menu’s are on a 5 week rolling rota,
we have 25 different lunches + deserts.
Morning snack | Lunch (All our food is homemade and freshly prepared on site) | Afternoon snack | |
Monday | Cornflakes, fresh fruit + drink of milk | Lunch – Cheese + tomato pasta + vegetables Pudding – Apricot fool drink of water | Ham sandwiches, salad + drink of milk or water |
Tuesday | Malted wheat, fresh fruit + drink of milk | Lunch – Chicken + broccoli bake + couscous Pudding – Bread + butter pudding. drink of water | Cheese + crackers, salad + drink of milk or water |
Wednesday | Rice krispies, fresh fruit + drink of milk | Lunch – Mince, potato wedges + vegetables Pudding – Fresh fruit salad + Ice cream. drink of water | Chicken wraps, salad + drink of milk or water |
Thursday | Weetabix, fresh fruit + drink of milk | Lunch – Fisherman’s pie + vegetables Pudding – Fruit crumble + custard. drink of water | Crisp bakes, salad + drink of milk or water |
Friday | Puffed wheat, fresh fruit + drink of milk | Lunch – Pork + vegetable casserole + rice Pudding – F ruit jelly + Ice cream. drink of water | Rice cakes, salad + drink of milk or water |
All our food is freshly prepared on site in a nut free environment every day, using all fresh fruit + vegetables. We only offer tooth friendly drinks. We can also meet any special dietary requirement.
Cherry Hill Children’s Day Nursery are very proud to hold the 5 star Food Hygiene Award (presented by WCBC) + also The Good Practice Certificate (presented by the Community Development Dietitians based at Wrexham Maelor Hospital)
This document will next be reviewed: January 2024
Initial registration form
(Further forms will need to be filled in at your child’s taster session)