We can offer care for babies from the age of 3 months in our Baby Unit. This consists of 4 rooms located on the first floor of the house. There are 2 large bright rooms; one for the smallest babies and one for babies who are more mobile. A dedicated 'Sleep Room' and a soft play room. The babies also have their own separate dining area which ensures they are never playing in an area where they have just eaten and this is also used for messy play activities.
The smallest babies are cared for together in a large bright room which is used as their main play area. There is also an additional Sleep Room where your baby can sleep peacefully away from the hustle and bustle of the main play area in a cot. The babies also have a soft play Extension Room where staff can take one or children to play and get some individual attention.

Once your baby is more active; crawling and starting to pull themselves up, they will be moved along the corridor to the Walking Baby Room. The activities on offer differ from those in Small Babies and your child can pull themselves up on things, use walking toys and other activities to help to develop their walking skills.
In addition, there is a sensory room and music room located on this floor that the babies have access to on a daily basis.

There can be nothing more important that making sure your baby is properly cared for while not with you. We can only give you flavour of what we provide on our website. We strongly recommend you visit to experience for yourself the caring and loving atmosphere at Cherry Hill.
Feel free to come anytime or telephone 01978 367786 for more information.
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